maandag 27 juli 2009

Gloeiende, gloeinede mensen!

Japanse wetenschappers hebben onlangs ontdekt dat de mens een gloed afgeeft die met zeer gevoelige cameras te zien is.

Japanese scientists have used incredibly sensitive cameras to capture the extremely faint glow being given off by a number of human volunteers, they found that the intensity of the glow is linked to our internal body clocks.

"The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal."

To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for three days.

The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with its lowest point at 10 a.m. and its peak at 4 p.m., dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to our body clocks, most likely due to how our metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day.
Yahoo! News

Zou dit het dan zijn wat sommigen de aura van een mens noemen?

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