woensdag 23 september 2009

Iran schiet UFO neer?

Het blijkt dat Iran een UFO heeft neergeschoten, volgens het volgende berichtje. Veel is er nog niet over de situatie bekend, maar ik houd jullie op de hoogte.

Tehran - Iran said it has shot down "unidentified shining objects" over the Gulf in southern Iran, the website of the Press TV network reported Tuesday. The commander of the Revolutionary Guards in the port of Bushehr said after Iranian radar detected three bright objects flying over the Gulf Islands of Khark and Khargou, the guards targeted and shot them down. 
General Ali Razmjou did not clarify when the objects were detected and shot down. The general added that the wreckage of the objects has not yet been found. The incident was not confirmed by the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran and there was no follow-up to the story which was initially reported by the official news agency IRNA 
Bron: Earth Times

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