maandag 7 september 2009

40 minuten film van UFO in China, na zonsverduistering!

Weet je nog die zonsverduistering die alleen in Azië te zien was? Nou tijdens en na deze zonsverduistering zijn er, voornamelijk in China, tientallen meldingen over UFO's geweest. Nu blijkt dat een man 40 minuten lang een UFO heeft gefilmd.

Could this finally be it - 40 minutes of undisputed proof that we are not alone?  Scientists at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, China believe it is a real possibility that this footage of an unidentified flying object is the evidence we have all been waiting for. They have confirmed 40 minutes of footage of the object was captured during this summer's solar eclipse - and that research has already started on a year-long investigation to find out what it is.
Yesterday Chinese media outlet reported that the Purple Mountain Observatory and Chinese Academy of Sciences claimed:.'China had discovered near the sun, by observation staff, an unidentified object. Its physical nature remains to be further studied. 'Currently manpower is being organised to deal with this data, complete the data analysis and reveal the scientific results. This will take at least one year's time to finalise. 'Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellow Ji Hai-sheng said at present it is impossible to speculate what the unidentified object is. 'However research has started.' The UFO world is already waiting with bated breath for the results to come in. 
Bron:Daily Mail

Ik verwacht zelf de komende tijd steeds meer van dit soort filmpjes uit China en India.


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