vrijdag 7 augustus 2009

Vreemde lichten, levende sc haduwen en vreemde entiteiten in Engeland!

Zoals sommigen weten zijn er de afgelopen maanden een hoog aantal graancirkels verschenen en zijn er vele meldingen gemaakt over vreemde figuren op het plaatsdelict. Vooral Engeland lijkt in trek te zijn bij de buitenaardsen. Nu zijn er namelijk films vrij gegeven die aantonen dat Wiltshire en omgeving niet voor niets ufo-hotspot van de zomer 2009 zijn. Vreemde lichten, rare levende schaduwen en vreemde entiteiten zie je voorbij komen op de filmpjes en de foto's.

July 30, 2009 Yatesbury, Wiltshire County, England - After midnight on Tuesday, July 14, 2009, Yorkshire engineer, Winston Keech, had set up his four infrared cameras on a pole looking across the East Field wheat below Adams Grave. The rest of the huge East Field had not been planted this year and was a mass of dark soil next to the far west end wheat. Winston is an entrepreneur who develops renewable energy systems and is fascinated by crop formations. He wants to see what he can capture on infrared (IR) videotape, and the carpet of East Field wheat seemed a good place to night watch. His four cameras are Samsung 0.0002 lux infrared with 570 line resolution on closed circuit TV, mounted on a high T-bar in front of his van.

Win Keech also used a high resolution, fixed lens, Digital Still Camera (DSC-R1) with 10 megapixel images made by Sony. The combination of the still camera with the four infrared cameras mounted on the pole helps give angles to gauge distances and heights and make comparisons between the visible color world and the infrared’s shades of grays, blacks and whites. Comparisons also help Winston to identify which images are only in the infrared.

Winston began filming with his IR video cameras and at 12:24 AM on July 14th, the infrared captured two flashes of light followed by two large dark spots that move around in the wheat and appear to be later joined by smaller, moving grey spots, all moving until 1:44 AM. Then the large moving anomalies disappear, after two further flashes, from the infrared videotape.


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