woensdag 7 oktober 2009

Identiteit van Jack the Ripper eindelijk achterhaald?!

Het lijkt er op, dat de identiteit van één van 's werelds bekendste en beruchtste serie-moordenaars eindelijk is achterhaald. Volgens het volgende bericht is de identiteit van Jack the Ripper achterhaald.

Mei Trow used modern police forensic techniques, including psychological and geographical profiling, to identify Robert Mann, a morgue attendant, as the killer.
His theory, the result of two years intensive research, is explored in a Discovery Channel documentary, Jack the Ripper: Killer Revealed.
Trow's research is rooted in information from a 1988 FBI examination of the Ripper case, which had worked up a comprehensive criminal personality profile.
The portrait drawn up of Jack was as a white male from the lower social classes, most likely the product of a broken home.
It was also thought he would have had a menial job but with some anatomical knowledge, something like a butcher, mortuary or medical examiner's assistant or hospital attendant.
Because of prolonged periods without human interaction, Jack would also have been socially inept
It is known that Mann was from an extremely deprived background. His father was absent for much of his upbringing and he had spent some time as a child in a workhouse.
Trow said: "I wanted to go beyond the myth of a caped man with a top hat and knife, and get to the reality, and the reality is simply that Jack was an ordinary man."
Trow makes another startling conjecture, that the Ripper killed another two women.
He believes Martha Tabram, found with 39 stab wounds to her body in Gunthorpe Street, was the first of Jack's victims, and Alice Mackenzie, brutally murdered eight months after the confirmed five killings, was his last.
The two women, along with Polly Nichols and Annie Chapman, would have been delivered to the Whitechapel mortuary in which Robert Mann worked
Bron: Telegraph.co.uk

Toch wel een beetje anticlimactisch en tegelijkertijd ook niet echt opzienbarend voor mijn gevoel.
Wat hier namelijk beschreven wordt is de prototype serie-moordenaar,  had Jack toch gelijk toen hij zei  "One day men will look back and see that I gave birth to the 2oth century" 

Hij had blijkbaar gelijk, hij was de eerste echt bekende/beruchte serie-moordenaar van de 20th eeuw. Hij was niet de enigste of de eerste serie-moordenaar, maar wel de eerste die zo'n beruchtheid heeft verworven. Tenminste, zover ik weet...

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