woensdag 26 augustus 2009

UFO gespot bij Sylvan Lake USA?

Onderzoekers menen dat het mysterie van Sylvan Lake te maken zou kunnen hebben met ufo's.

UFO Experts Investigate Mystery on Twin Cities Lake

The mystery over what's sitting at the bottom of Sylvan Lake in Forest Lake has the attention of UFO investigators.

A Forest Lake woman claims she saw large waves rippling out in a swirling motion on the lake. She thought it seemed strange and called police. She told them she thought the churning water came from a helicopter.

"There was quite a stir for 5 to 7 minutes, with waves that went out 30 to 40 feet. Not up, but out," said the woman's neighbor Eugene Huerstel.

Since the woman's account was credible according to police, Forest Lake firefighters and the Washington County Dive Team went into the lake to look for the unusual and suspicious object.

They used a pontoon and an airboat to search to a depth of 26 feet. Washington County Sheriffs Deputies used a side scan sonar. Police said they did not find any debris on the water and no petroleum film from a boat or plane wreck, which they initally suspected. But what took everyone by surprise was the investigator who showed up Friday.

"We received several reports on our website about the incident," said Richard Lang from the Mutual UFO Network.

During a second water search, the Washington County Sheriff's Office found an object, about the size of a washer or dryer. They plan to pull it out in the coming weeks, though no one could say, what it might be.

However, a UFO does not seem likely.

"Based on our findings, we don't believe a UFO crashed into the lake," said Lang.

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