woensdag 5 augustus 2009

Mysterieuze Monoliet gefotografeerd op Mars.

In de laatste foto's die van de planeet mars zijn gemaakt zis een zeer "onnatuurlijke"monoliet gefotografeerd.

An image of what appears to be a mysterious rocky monument on Mars has excited space junkies around the world.

The 'monolith', was snapped from 165miles away using a special high resolution camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

After being published on thewebsite Lunar Explorer Italia, it set tongues wagging with space buffs questioning whether there was once life on the Red Planet.

Bron: Daily Mail

'In reality it's more likely that this boulder has been created by breaking away from the bedrock to create a rectangular-shaped feature.'

The image seems to resemble the black monolith that appears during key moments of man's evolution in the Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The original image, taken last July, was published again this week on the University of Arizona's HiRISE website on the 'spotlight' page which seems to have led to the renewed interest.

'Is it possible that there used to be an ancient civilization on Mars?' former Montreal radio presenter David Tyler asked on his blog.

'Is it possible that NASA already knows the answer? Could this be the final straw for disclosure?'

Bron: Daily Mail

Wat een spanning makerij weer allemaal! We hebben weer genoeg om over te discusseren de komende tijd.
Het blijkt dat Buzz Aldrin hier al melding over had gedaan tijdens een interview. Ik meen die inderdaad op CNN gezien te hebben.

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