zondag 30 augustus 2009

Massale UFO sighting in China!

Blijkaar is er nog geen week geleden een massale ufo sighting plaatsgevonden. Niks over gehoord op het nieuws ofzo. Ik zal wel weer niet opgelet hebben...

Just yesterday we reported on a massive UFO event that occurred on the evening of 20 August beginning at around 8:30pm.

Two huge, rotating, glowing, mist-shrouded, mother-ship type UFOs were seen by millions of residents in the Chinese cities and regions of Shahe, Xingtai, Ren County, South County, as well as Yongnian County.

Shanghai News quoted Li Baohong, an astronomer from Shandong University as saying:
'It is rare that UFO sightings have occurred over such a large area although it would be difficult to determine the nature of the objects.'

Many rather impatient readers emailed us wondering how can it be that if millions of locals saw the UFO there is no film of the event. In fact there were many if not hundreds of videos taken of the object.

Xinhua, China's official government news outlet and that nations most repsected news service has reported on the event and has now released a video of the remarkable object. The video can be watchedhere on Xinhua Net. Viewers should note that this object was seen in numerous cities over a vast area. With that in mind, judging by the video the UFO must be have been absolutely enormous. One thing all viewers might agree on is that this isn't swamp gas or an unusual weather pattern: as initially suggested by the authorities.
All News Web

Toch vreemd, dat iets wat door MILJOENEN wordt gezien en door duizenden gemeld, niet op het nieuws komt.

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