maandag 24 augustus 2009

Australische zender beschuldigd van hypnotiseren van kijkers

Onlangs is de Australische Channel Nine, door de AMCA (Australian Communications and Media Authority), schuldig bevonden van het hypnotiseren van haar kijkers tijdens een programma over afvallen. Dit gaat in tegen het Australische TV protocol.

The communications watchdog has found Channel Nine breached the TV Code of Practice in a stunt that aimed to hypnotise viewers.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has found that the segment broadcast on the program, A Current Affair, in September last year was designed to induce a hypnotic state in viewers.

During the segment, entitled Think Slim, references were made by the program's host, the reporter and a hypnotherapist to the fact that the story would feature a demonstration of a hypnotic process designed to help with weight loss.

The segment culminated with a brief hypnotherapy session that lasted for about one minute.

The Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice (2004) states that a licensee may not broadcast a program designed to induce a hypnotic state in viewers.

The watchdog also found that Channel Nine breached the code by failing to provide a substantive written response to someone who complained about the segment.
ABC News

Lekker is dat, men wordt tegenwoordig dus niet alleen gehersenspoeld door de media, maar ook gehypnotisseerd.

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