dinsdag 11 augustus 2009

Oorzaak mysterieus geluid mogelijk ontdekt!

Enkele malen eerder heb ik informatie gelezen over dit geluid, niemand wist wat het was en waar het vandaan kwam. Sommigen beweerden het te kunnen horen en anderen zouden er haast gek van zijn geworden. Anderen beweerden dat het mogelijk iets met buitenaardsen te maken zou hebben. Nu blijkt de oorzaak echter ontdekt te zijn.

Though our ears are too insensitive to perceive it, the planet is constantly generating a low-frequency humming noise, which was first discovered with instruments in 1998. At a frequency of around 10 millihertz, the sound is far outside our hearing range, as we can only perceive sounds as low as 20 hertz. Now, scientists have finally been able to determine the source of the humming noise, and also the regions where it can be heard most loudly. The find puts an end to rumors and conspiracy theories about some unnatural event that may be causing the hum.

According to a group of researchers, the noise is created by nothing more than waves, albeit not the kind that hit the shorelines around the globe everyday. Some scientists argued ever since the phenomenon was first discovered that sea waves colliding with the ocean floor might be the trigger behind it. Now, in a scientific study published last Thursday in the respected scientific journalGeophysical Research Letters, the experts show that the Pacific Coast ofNorth America is the strongest source for the hum.

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