woensdag 12 augustus 2009

Braziliaanse luchtmacht komt met 1300 bladzijden aan nieuwe geheime ufo documenten!

Onlangs heeft de Braziliaanse luchtmacht een hoop documenten betreffende ufo-meldingen en waarnemingen los gelaten. Nu hebben ze nog eens 1300 bladzijden aan informatie betreffende ufo-waarnememingen vrijgelaten.

The Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU) has just received a massive lot of new UFO-related documents from the Brazilian government, which disclose in detail the inner workings of the official body created by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in 1969, during the dictatorship years, to investigate the presence and activity of aliens in the country: the System for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (SIOANI). This time, however, the newly disclosed documents have not come from the government, as a result of the campaign “UFOs: Freedom of Information Now!”, which has so far produced three official disclosures, the largest and most important of which was on May 4th, largely announced worldwidely.

The new former secret material was handed over to CBU by civilian researcher Edison Boaventura, from Grupo Ufológico do Guarujá (GUG), who has kept such material away from the Brazilian UFO community for over 10 years. Boaventura was given the referred documents by a retired Brazilian Air Force military source in the 90s and has kept it secret since then. At the recent III World UFO Forum, held in June 2009 in Curitiba (PR), Brazil, however, he was formally requested by the members of CBU and decided to hand over the whole lot of documents on behalf of the freedom of information campaign. “I decided to contribute to this endeavor, so I’m sending these documents to be published by the Brazilian UFO Magazine”, he declared.
Bron: Ufodigest

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