zaterdag 18 juli 2009

Beam me up Scotty?!

Wetenschappers lijken een stap dichter bij teleportatie te zijn. Het staat nu natuurlijk in z'n kinderschoenen, maar de tot nu toe gemaakte conclusies beloven veel.

In their study, Changsuk Noh, M.J. Collett, and H.J. Carmichael from the University of Auckland in New Zealand, along with A. Chia from Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, and Hyunchul Nha from Texas A & M University at Qatar in Dohar, Qatar, have proposed a scheme for teleporting a beam of , including its fluctuations over time. They hope to show that it’s possible that a physical object (e.g. a quantum field) in one location could emerge at another location in the same , so that any conceivable measurement would yield the same result in both locations. In contrast, previous teleportation schemes do not seriously consider reproducing certain elements, such as temporal fluctuations.


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