zondag 6 september 2009
09-09-09, niet alleen een dag voor meditatie?
Wie kan zich nog herinneren dat ik in augustus een bericht poste over 9 september 2009, dat dit een hele speciale dag zou zijn. Het zou een dag van grote energieën zijn die ons beter in staat zullen stellen om met elkaar en onze hogere broeders te communiceren. Kan iemand zich dat nog herinneren? Nee? Nou dan kan je dat berichtje terugvinden in het archief bij augustus. Nu blijkt er echter nog veel meer te gaan gebeuren komende woensdag, zoals men kan lezen in de volgende channeling...
Er staat ons dus nogal wat te wachten de komende week, als we dit allemaal mogen geloven.
Channeled by LadyDreamWolf
9/3/09 12:29:39 PM
Greetings Jeremiah and Jen, this is an official document for the record. This is Michkael, High Commander of The Galactic Federation of Light. I am coming in with Ashtar and another of Ashtar Command. Is this allowable?
Greetings from All of US at Ashtar Command. WE have some vital information for the ALL. At this timing, you can post this, when it is timing, as it will be vital to be posted BEFORE the Galactic Federation Meeting to occur on September 9, 2009.
This meeting is not just for a testing to see how communication will go with the outer perimeters of your planet, as well as the general populace. There is much that will be covered at this conference. During the timing when this will occur, there will be UFO’s sighted globally. When these ships are sighted, there will be many who will not react well. However, it is our hope that WE will be able to begin our intended landings shortly after this conference.
WE do wish you both to be involved in this conference, however at this timing, you will need to do it remotely, unless matters are able to be changed in the meantime. However, at this timing WE wish to continue to proceed with the official communications.
There will be many topics that will be covered at the timing of this conference. There are matters that will be discussed that have not yet even been brought to the attention of those who are hosting this meeting. There are many matters that must be addressed at that timing, as there will be great events following it, including crop circles with deeper meaning than any on your planet have even come up with to this date.
At this timing, WE wish to discuss those crop circles for a moment. There are deeper meetings and communications through those crop circles than many realize. Some are directions to specific locations, where there are beings of interest. Others are messages of prophecy, which you, Jeremiah and Jen, have already noted on several. There are those that are created for other types of communications as well. However, due to the amount of interference your planet has had to deal with over many lifetimes, much of this information has been lost, and those that do retain it are loathe to step out and speak on it, for fear of their own lives and being termed insane. At this timing we are calling ALL with information on these crop circles, including those of our own who are “under cover” on your planet, to step up and speak out on the REAL meanings behind them. It is timing for this to occur. Your planet has suffered under enough secrecy for far too long. The Truth must now come out.
WE are also taking this timing to call out all our brothers and sisters of the LIGHT, to step up and step forward, in masses if necessary, to speak out their Truth about US and all other “alien” races. It is timing for the Truth to come to the LIGHT. WE are also speaking to those of US, and those of “you”, who work for governments, for agencies, for the LIGHT in any manner. Come forth and step up to the plate, so to speak, and come out of the shadows. For there are far to many of US who have worked within the shadows, functioned in the background, for far too long. It is timing, brothers and sisters, to come forth and speak your Truth. This is an official call to action.
There are those of you who are now in struggles to stay alive because you have spoken your Truth. Know this. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. WE are with you. You have seen us in your skies. Some of you have spoken with us, and not even known it. At this timing, WE intend to step up our attempts at assisting you whenever and wherever WE are able. You are NOT alone. For those of you who have spoken with us and KNOW you have, WE are requesting you to speak your Truth on these matters. Do not allow the interference to hide US from view any longer. It is timing for the WHOLE Truth to come out. WE wish for ALL of you to step up and speak, on a global level, on your televisions, on your radio stations, on your internet. Be all of whom you are. Be the REAL you. WE will guide you as WE can.
This message comes with all of OUR Unconditional Love, and faith in you, in all ways. There are many of you who are going through personal “testing” on your spiritual paths. WE ask that you do not waiver, even with the skies seem dark in your own personal paths, keep up the positive intent. For it IS making a difference.
WE have spoken much about raising the vibrations of your planet. The global awareness that has occurred to date has brought your planet, and her inhabitants, up in vibration quite dramatically. WE ask for you to continue to heal your planet in ALL ways. Be sensitive to HER needs for she IS a living being. Consider how you do things and how your own personal thoughts, emotions, and actions affect her as a BEING, not just as the planet you live on. This message is not just for the “humans” on your planet, but for ALL beings alike. For your planet is suffering greatly, and she deserves to have peace within her as well.
At this timing We would like to conclude with a message of Hope. You, as a global community, are now demanding Truth. Not just from US, but your governments and media as well. Please continue to do so. For your power of intent has made many changes come about already. Your government officials are already beginning to step up and step out with the truth. This shows that our planet is now ready for US to begin the transformational stages that WE have longed for to bring about for your whole civilization. Very soon, we hope to be able to say, WELCOME TO THE INTER-GALACTIC COMMUNITY. WELCOME HOME.
At this timing, WE conclude this message with further thoughts, healing, and intent of Unconditional Love and LIGHT.
Namaste’ our friends, and brethren. You are Loved.
Jeremiah, WE would like you to post all but this line of message this evening, before the sun goes down, if possible. If not before. No, Under her name. For this is part of HER path. Please post this on all the sites you can. For at this timing, it is VITAL that this information be passed to as many as can be reached. WE already know, as you do, that “they” have an idea where you are anyway. At this timing, it will be VITAL to get this information out, anyway. I will be adding more, as possible. The sooner you can post this section, the better. WE thank you for your cooperation.
Bron:Byzangl's Blog
Er staat ons dus nogal wat te wachten de komende week, als we dit allemaal mogen geloven.
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- Krediet crisis? Klimaat verandering? Oorlog? Revolutie? Is er niets anders tegenwoordig? Ooit zei Plato "Alle waarheid is subjectief". Dit is helemaal waar, vooral als het aankomt op het nieuws. Wat eigenlijk objectief en onpartijdig behoort te zijn, heeft tegenwoordig meer weg van een heksenjacht, dan werkelijk nieuws. Op mijn blog zal ik jullie op de hoogte houden van het echte nieuws. Het nieuws wat er in mijn ogen toe doet...
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september 2009
- Contact: Wij bieden bescherming aan onze bondgenoten
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- "NASA moet toegeven dat er een buitenaardse aanwez...
- Vrijheid voor en vooral door iedereen!
- En de wereldwijde UFO-sightings blijven maar komen...
- Bach Bloesems, een natuurlijke aanvulling op je EH...
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- Contact: De sluiers worden voor jullie ogen wegget...
- Iran schiet UFO neer?
- Sydney ziet rood!
- Nieuw bewuste politiek?!
- Weer massale UFO-sighting, nu aan de oostkust VS!
- Contact: Het bewustzijn van mensen ontwikkelt zich...
- All your (alien) base are belong to us!
- Aarden en gidsen...
- Contact: Niets kan of zal ascentie verhinderen
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- Contact: Paranormale ervaringen zullen gewoner worden
- Suriname ziet ze vliegen?
- E-mail contact met buitenaardsen?
- Contact: Wees voorbereid op krachtige energiegolven
- Wat is er de laatste tijd toch met het vliegverkeer?
- Even een update...
- Verlichting wat is dat?
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- Contact: De dagen van geheimhouding zijn voorbij
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- De UFO van Google!
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- De Subjectieve Tweet!
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- Massale UFO sighting in China DEEL 2!!!
- Een nieuw Eden?!
- UFO gefilmd vanuit vliegtuig!
- 26 september 2009, Den Haag! De Vrijheidsparade!
- Zendmasten bedreigen bijen!
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4 reacties:
Helaas, dit soort berichten is van alle tijden. Bij channeling komt de onbewuste wens van de persoon naar boven. Verbeter de wereld en begin bij jezelf Verwacht daarbij geen hulp van anderen.....
Mja je moet in ieder geval zelf de kracht hebben om het voort te brengen, maar een beetje hulp aanvaarden op zijn tijd kan toch niet mis zijn ?
Ja idd een beetje hulp kan nooit kwaad, maar eerst zorgen dat je er zelf klaar voor bent.
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